
Cheap electricity prices and rates | Find the cheapest electricity …

Most of the NI customers are paying 15.888 p/Unit/ KWh

Current cheap rate is 13.33 p/unit/Kwh .

Just press 3 on your keypad & find how much you are paying now !

contact your supplier by facebook. they will reduce your Price !

SAVE 16% by two minutes…..

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If you don’t request, It will cost you higher prices !

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What information can I find out from my Keypad?

See the handy list below to find out the function each button performs.


Button Function
1 Amount of credit left, in days.
2 Previous days/weeks/month(s) costs.


Unit rate cost and number of units used at that rates.

4 The last five Powercode numbers entered.
5 Total money entered into the meter.
6 Electricity presently being used (in kilowatts or £ and pence).
7 Standing charge repayment rates per day (none at present).
8 Peak electrical demand (in kilowatts) over the last 24 hours and the time it occurred.
9 Total units of electricity used (kilowatt-hours).
0 Display test / Time and date.
0 To acknowledge low credit buzzer and activate emergency credit.
* Press this before entering 20 digit Powercode.
# Press this after entering 20 digit Powercode

Compare electricity prices

These tariffs could help you get electricity at a cheaper price and save you money on your bills.

Compare tariffs from the UK’s leading energy companies and switch if you could get a better deal.

Top 10 Electricity Suppliers – Cheapest Electric Prices –


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