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KA AGM – (4.30pm- 6.00Pm)

Admission free to All Members & Invited guests. Venue: sports complex auditorium of Lisneal College Our AGM and Ramsan, Vishu & Easter celebrations Dear Kerala Association Members, We hope this message finds you well. We are excited to announce that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 14 April 24 as follows Venue: sports complex auditorium Read more about KA AGM – (4.30pm- 6.00Pm)[…]

Talent Day’24~ KA

*************************** Sunday 14 Janu 24 Dear allWe are planning for a free badminton coaching for ladies and gents from February, for a period of 6 weeks ( one day per week) by Mr George Chapman, (ulster University coach). Those who are interested kindly revert to this number with your expression of interestThanks ************************ The badminton Read more about Talent Day’24~ KA[…]

Let It Snow !

X’mas & New Year Multicultural Celebrations #LetItSnowDerry Dear allWe are scheduled to have our Multicultural Event along with Xmas and new year celebration on 6th January 2024 at St Columbs college auditorium, Buncrana road Derry from 12 noon to 9 PM with lunch, evening tea & Xmas cake and dinner. Event details –Registration 12 NoonLunch: Read more about Let It Snow ![…]

A Big Thank You

Dear Supporters and Donors, We are thrilled to share some wonderful news with you all! Thanks to your incredible generosity and unwavering support, we have successfully collected a total of £ 5489.26 for our 5K charity walk fundraising campaign in the loving memory of Joseph and Ruven . We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone Read more about A Big Thank You[…]

Ponnonam 2023

പൊന്നോണം വരവായി…. ” Ponnonam 2023 “ Celebration of Kerala culture & Heritage through Onam Festival @ Lisneal College ~ 2nd of september, 2023, Saturday From 9.30 AM to 6PM.More Details pls visit….  Celebrate Onam with KA !!!#onam2023 പ്രിയപ്പെട്ടവരെസന്തോഷത്തിന്റെയും സാമ്രദ്ധിയുടെയും ആഘോഷമായ ഒണം അടുത്തുവരുകയാണല്ലോ. എല്ലാവർഷത്തെപോലെ ഈ വർഷവും ഓണം ആഘോഷപൂർവം കൊണ്ടാടുവാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു.ഓണാഘോഷത്തിന്റെ ഭഗമായി നടത്തുന്ന കലാപരിപാടികൾക്കായി ഭാഗവക്കക്കുവാൻ താത്പര്യം ഉള്ളവർ ചുവടെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്ന നമ്പറുകളിൽ Read more about Ponnonam 2023[…]

Annual sports day of KA

Dear membersWe have decided to conduct our annual sports day of Kerala association Derry on 24 June 2023/at Templemore sports complex from 13:30 to 17:00. Various sports events under different categories are planned for all age groups and your active participation will be utmost, for the success of this event. All are cordially invited to Read more about Annual sports day of KA[…]

KA Memberships

New memberships/ Renew , Please Contact any of BofMs or Email to our Office. Single / Family Memberships are available Now. Kerala Association Derry-Londonderry is a not-for-profit community organization that brings together and works for the socio-cultural development of the Indian Malayalee (Keralite) community residing in Londonderry city council and surrounding areas. Kerala Association Derry-Londonderry Read more about KA Memberships[…]