New Board Members for 2024~2025

Subject: Announcement of New Board Members for 2024_2025

Dear Members,

I am pleased to announce the newly selected members of our Board of Members for the year 2024. After a thorough selection process, we are confident that these individuals will bring valuable experience, insights, and leadership to our organization.

Please join me in welcoming the following new board members:

President-Thomas Robin George
Vice president -Jaison Vattamattathil
Secretary-Simi Rajeev
Joint secretaries- Jesty Simon and Marinov
Treasurer- Mathew Thomas
Joint Treasurer- Arshad
PRO- Baiju Narayanan
Executive Committee members- Antony, Jayamol KJ and Devika

These new board members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will help guide our organization toward continued growth and success. We are excited to see the positive impact they will have and look forward to their contributions.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing board members for their dedication and hard work. Their efforts have laid a strong foundation for our future endeavors.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our mission. We are confident that with our new board in place, we will achieve great things together in 2024.


Seasonal greetings to all……

Happy to inform you all that the new office bearers took up their charges and the first executive committee meeting held on 28- 05 -24 have planned for the activities of this year. A copy of the calendar of events will be forwarded to you in due course for your kind perusal. Kindly schedule your duties accordingly to ensure your availability for all our events.

Further we would like to bring your attention to the membership renewal. Every year in the month of May we are expected to renew our yearly membership and in this connection, I request your good self to pay our all dues to the Kerala Association by on or before 15 June 2024
Many thanks


KA Membership Renewal 2024

For family- £ 25 per year
For single- £10 per Year

Please make your payment via KA account.
Acc no: 16301053
Sort code: 980060

Kindly ensure your payments with reference as your name

Thanks and regards,

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